Monday, October 1, 2007

Tips for Writing Great Coaching E-Books

Tips for Writing Great Coaching E-Books
By Andrea J. Lee

Never understimate the power of a well-written word. Tens of thousands of readers of coaching ebooks have had their lives changed for the better by a well written ebook.

It's a remarkable medium that you can tap into to coach others day or night, in the city or country, all across the planet.

Is writing an ebook for you?

Do you have the answers to a specific problem? Can you research the answers? Do you have a personal story to tell about overcoming the problem in your own life?

Is there a group of people for whom this problem is universal? A group of people who wake up in the night in a sweat, wishing, praying and wracking their brains for an answer?

The more they are in need of help, the more likely your ebook can change their lives.

If you think writing an ebook is for you, this is what you need to know:

1. A great ebook is not long.

In fact, the very best ebooks are 10-35 pages long, and no longer.

Why is this?

The ebook that is short and sweet answers in a laser-like fashion the problem that the reader wants to solve.

It’s the most valuable ebook a client can buy because you have filtered the exact information they most need, and cut out the rest.

Don't make the mistake of thinking you need 100 pages to call yourself an ebook publisher. Cut to the chase.

2. A marketable ebook is very specific.

This goes hand in hand with #1.

Don't write ebooks that are general. They just aren't marketable and you’ll be in for a heartache.

The key to marketability is communicating to specific people that your answer is the precise one they need.

3. A great coaching ebook uses a coaching approach.

Take some time as you prepare to write your ebook, and do two things:

Read great ebooks AND transfer what you know works as a coach, and transfer that to your ebook.

As a coach, do you harness the power of the provocative question in your one on one coaching calls?

Perhaps you have a special ability to see the greater truth in a client's life?

Take special note of what makes your coaching exceptional in one mode of delivery and deliberately set out to translate that to the writing you do for your ebook.

Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and online business owners. As Thomas J. Leonard's General Manager, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now the CEO of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, she writes, speaks and consults on Marketing, Internet and Business systems. This is an excerpt from the her NEW BOOK - Multiple Streams of Coaching Income,

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Monday, September 24, 2007

Authoring an eBook in 10 Basic Steps

Authoring an eBook in 10 Basic Steps
By Paul Jackson

Authoring a book, specifically an eBook, once called electronic book, is easy, affordable and profitable. Share your expertise and experience with an international on-line community of learners.

Fulfill that dream of yours to write a book and become a published author. Take that workshop you’ve written and presented; take that unit of study you’ve produced; take that wish that there had been a book about something when you needed it most and convert that need into an eBook for others to use and enjoy; take that interest or hobby and convert your personal experience and professional expertise into an instructional eBook; share your love of a topic with others to encourage them to share your joy or support them in their quest for further skill development; use your experiences to get someone else ‘turned on’ to what you have been enjoying for years; provide the attitudes, skills, and knowledge for others that will help them do a better job… Yes, you can accomplish all of this and so much more with eBooks.

The technology of eBook production has become so remarkably easy, affordable and yes, even profitable that you do not need to be a computer expert to become an accomplished and published author.

Whatever your status: student or teacher; worker or administrator; amateur or professional; experienced or inexperienced; veteran or newcomer; rising star or established guru; famous or infamous… you have something to offer to others who have not had the same experiences or accomplished the things you have done.

We at Awaken The Author Within and eBook Authoring Services have broken the eBook authoring process into 10 steps. A brief outline of those steps is the focus of this article. The article is designed to inform you of the steps, assure you that anyone may accomplish the task, provide you with an outline of the process and point you in the direction of further information to make the process both an exhilarating personal adventure and a professional development activity of the highest order.


The first step in the process is to have an IDEA for a book. There are few of us who haven’t said to ourselves at one time or another, “Some day I’d like to write a book about …” or “I wish someone would have provided me with information about ____ when I was first starting out.” or “Now that I’ve reached this point in my career (hobby, role, interest,…) I’d like to share my experiences with others.” Whatever you choose as a topic for your first eBook in particular, choose something about which you already are a self-proclaimed ‘expert’! And something about which you are passionate.

The second step in the process is to spend some time in REFLECTION. This is a step that goes hand in hand with the first step. You’ve already thought about such things as why you would want to write an eBook; what benefits writing an eBook would give to you, the author, and your readers; who would benefit most from the sharing of your experience and expertise; when would be a good time to begin the process; where you might find an audience for your eBook; how you would get your eBook to those people who would most benefit from it. At this step, share your idea of authoring an eBook and the chosen topic with as many people as possible to get their feedback. Be a risk-taker! In essence, at this stage you are working towards the third step.

The COMMITMENT step is the first really important one, the step that separates the dreamers from the doers; the step that embraces change for personal and professional gain; the step that says you are willing to acquire the attitudes; skills, and knowledge to become not only a published author but a successful one as well; the step that moves you into an adventure that will assure you that you will never be the same person again. This is the most exciting step along the way!

The fourth step is called the BIG PICTURE step since it is here that you call upon both your realistic and your fanciful self to envision the final product. Imagine your eBook cover published on a web site, your eBook being read by others, your professional and personal pride in your accomplishment, your exhilaration at earning money as an author (if you choose to sell your eBook), your “dream come true”! At this step you must also make decisions involving such big picture ideas as: the scope of your eBook, the number of eBooks in the series if more than one eBook is required, the topic or topics to be covered, the background information you already possess or need to acquire, the people who can act as mentors…

After the big picture ideas have been dealt with, the fifth step is the choice of how the eBook information is to be CHUNKED. By chunking we mean breaking the general topic into manageable and palatable parts for the learner who acquires your eBook. This depends entirely upon the content of your eBook and the method(s) you see as best to present the material based on your knowledge of the topic. This can range from the simplest format of chapters to question and answer format to case studies to worksheets to theory and practice applications to problems and solutions to how to books to journals of discovery to…

Step six is the step we all associate with authoring an eBook – the WRITING! In reality, this step is merely one of the 10! It is often the most enjoyable because you are writing about a topic about which you have a passion as well as skills, attitudes, and knowledge you wish to share with others. Your personal and professional experiences will make this step a most enjoyable one. Write in an informal manner with impassioned emotion. Write like you mean it! This type of writing is as far from a thesis as you can get – a beauty of eBooks! Use a friendly letter style and talk to your reader much like you would do in a conversation. Although this step may be the most enjoyable, it does require a myriad of decisions by you, the author. You must consider such things as font size and style, spacing on the pages, header and footer considerations, word processing software to use, the length of the eBook, research that needs to be done, links to the web you are going to use, material you must gather together, compiling method for publishing,… plus many others. This is a lengthy list, but manageablewhen you are prepared for it.

The EDITING step, the seventh, is by far the most time consuming as any of you who have written before will attest. When your work is to be published you want it to be as perfect as possible in so many ways not just spelling and grammar. Such things as visual appeal and use of white space on the page, style of titles, table of contents, use of black line masters, resources and sources of information, ease of use… are also considerations. Make sure you have plenty of friends to help you with this step, likely the most time consuming step in the entire process.

PUBLISHING or COMPILING your eBook is step eight which is the step required to turn your book into an eBook! The quality of your eBook when it is presented to your audience in its final form depends on the quality of your editing in step seven. You may choose to have your eBook compiled in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language - .exe) or PDF (Portable Document Format - .pdf) or any of the other ways you can have it done to accommodate different reading devices. Your eBook must be made ready to be downloaded from the Internet on to a computer. You will have the choice of doing a little, none or as much work as you wish at this stage. Your decision will depend on the amount of personal time you wish to invest and the amount of money you wish to pay for the services needed. This cost is minimal regardless of the choice you make. Cost is not a deterrent to getting your eBook compiled.

Like in the previous step, MARKETING your eBook can be done with as much personal effort as you wish. It is important in step nine that you get your eBook to market! You can become your own marketer by creating a web site. Other web sites and professional agents or marketers are also available to do this job. The costs vary depending on the choice you make and there are many choices available to you. Again, cost is not a deterring factor here. For your own sake and the sake of your eBook, you should get involved in the marketing of your eBook as much as possible. After all, you have the most important investment of all in your eBook – your emotional involvement and you know the ‘niche’ market best for whom you wrote the eBook in the first place. In addition, you stand to gain personally and financially by increasing exposure of the eBook.

The absolute best step in the process which coincidentally is the “10” step, is CELEBRATING! You deserve a celebration for the final step in this literary and eCommerce adventure. You need to thank those dozens of others who contributed in ways big and small to your success. You should rejoice in the euphoria of accomplishing a dream! You should celebrate the fact that many people go through their entire lives without ever accomplishing what you had dreamed of accomplishing – becoming a published author!

Share your success with others and encourage them to do the same thing. Become a mentor to your friends and acquaintances. Share the joy. Leave your mark!

Dare it be mentioned – there just may be one more eBook in you! Let the adventure begin ANEW!

© 2005 Paul Jackson

Paul Jackson is a retired Elementary School Principal who has discovered the joy or writing. He has written several eBooks, instructs others how to author eBooks, ePublishes (compiles) eBooks in PDF and assists authors in designing workshops based on their eBooks. He is a true eBooker!

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

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Internet Marketing Ebook - Rich Jerk, Honest Riches and More Reviews

Matt Canei

Ebooks command a high level of respect in the world of internet marketing. Most techniques and practices are exchanged among internet marketers through ebooks, in most cases the big guys exhaust the technique until it barely works then pass it down to the smaller, less successful internet marketers.

This cycle often leads to scams and ebooks that do not provide any truly useful information, or techniques that are so terribly oversaturated and overused that they only waste reader’s precious time. That is where the highly-renowned ebook reviewer comes into the scene to help ebook readers make the right decision on what ebooks will help them and which ebooks to stay as far away from as possible.

That’s where this particular blog comes into play to provide the masses with the means to choose and read only the best and highest quality of ebooks dealing with internet marketing and affiliate marketing. The blog is run by the one known as TheWhiz or Matt, who is an accomplished internet marketer and ebook author.

The blog exists to serve anyone who needs reviews for internet marketing ebooks or advice on picking out products or services to aid in internet endeavors. Blog visitors and ebook authors can e-mail their ebooks or products to TheWhiz to have them promptly reviewed and posted on the blog which could greatly boost exposure and traffic.

Already, the Internet Marketing Ebook blog has provided strong reviews of the following popular ebooks: Honest Riches, Rich Jerk and Google Wealth Wizard to kick off what is to come. These reviews are full length and provide crucial information that should definitely be looked into before even thinking about purchasing any of those ebooks.

The blog can be visited at Internet Marketing Ebook Review

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Ebooks Continue to Gain Popularity

Ruth Hendrickson

The new world of the Internet has made ebooks a popular commodity, and they continue to gain popularity. Ebooks are bought and sold online just as products are bought and sold in the offline world. Millions of ebooks are sold on the Internet every year, and many people make a very good living buying and selling ebooks. Some are writing and selling their own ebooks.

In the past there were many would-be writers who sent their articles and books to publishers hoping to get published. Many were turned down. The percentage of those writers whose work got published compared to those who asked to be published was a drastic difference. The world of the Internet has changed that. Anyone who wants to write anything can write and publish to his heart’s content for all the world to see. All this online writing and publishing has given rise to the ebook market, and many people are profiting from selling their own ebooks, as well as the ebooks of others.

ClickBank is a multimillion dollar business, and their products are made up largely of ebooks. Ebooks are popular on many other sites as well. In fact, ebook websites are springing up at a rapid pace. Amazon led the way by offering the sale of ebooks on their websits, and other book-selling websites have followed suit.

Selling ebooks online is a wonderful business to start and run. There are a number of benefits to running an online ebook business. The initial setup is quite labor intensive, and for someone new to the online ebook business, the learning curve is huge. But the learning curve can be overcome by -- you guessed it – reading ebooks! There are many excellent ebooks available written by ebook marketers who have worked hard and learned how to make it a very profitable business.

With ebooks, there is no initial expensive outlay for publishing the book in print, and ebooks can be published immediately online for virtually nothing. However, someone just starting out in the online ebook business will need to invest in computer equipment, high speed internet service, and certain software. Most people already have a computer and internet service, but they might need to upgrade to a higher quality computer and high speed internet service.

For those who enjoy purchasing and reading ebooks, an online ebook business might become a profitable business for them.

For more information on how to start an online ebook business, visit

Ruth Hendrickson is an online author and founder of the, an internet marketing website dedicated to helping others make money on the Internet.

Her blog, “Making Money on the Net” can be found at

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Ebooks - How Important is it to Write Your Own Ebook?

Sean Mize

Ebooks - How Important is it to Write Your Own Ebook

Ebooks. Is writing your own ebook important? Maybe I am a little jaded, after having written 4 ebooks in the last 10 months, and several ereports and a few ecourses.

So I naturally think that writing ebooks is important. Actually, I think that writing anything that gets published is important, ebooks, articles, reports, courses, anything.

When I get an email from someone who has read something of mine and they mention that they have seen my name a few times before in a few different sources, what do I know? I know that this person and everyone else who has seen my name around -- and I have only been online for 10 months -- feels a deeper connection with me than if they have never seen my name.

Think about it. Are you more likely to do business with Mike Filsaime, Yanik Silver, Sean Mize, or Joe Nobody? Name recognition is important. Focus on getting name recognition.

One great way to do it is to write your own ebooks. Write a free one first and give it away. Give it away everywhere. Write articles. Give them away. Then write a book. Don’t give it away. Load it with information. Load it with $500 worth of information, then give it away for $50. Always over deliver.

Become name-recognized for over delivering in your niche. Over deliver in every ebook, every article, every report.

To download my new book, ‘15 Steps to Internet Success‘, click here: Internet Marketing Success

Are you interested in learning how to build a responsive mailing list? Click here: List Building

Sean Mize is an online author and internet marketer, and produces internet marketing training materials.

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3 Easy Ways To Make Money With Ebooks

Gary Baker

If you're looking to get started selling on the internet then the best way to do it is to make money with ebooks.

It's not that hard to make money with ebooks and here is to do it.

#1 - Give your ebook away for free.

You can make money with ebooks just giving them away to as many people as possible.

What you will do is put links into the ebook that send the readers to a sales page for a particular product.

Make sure the ebook is stuffed full of useful content and recommend a few products within the text.

There are many people that make money with ebooks using this exact method.

#2 - Sell your ebook on ebay.

Ebay is a great source for you to make money with ebooks.

They generate millions of visitors per day and literally have hundreds of categories for you to chose from.

Another great thing about ebay is you don't have to bother with keeping stock or mailing out your product.

Once you place your ebook up for bid, you let the auction run it's course.

When the bidding is over, you send the winning bidder to your download site.

This is a simple way to make money with ebooks and can make you a very nice extra income.

#3 - Start an affiliate program.

An awesome way to make money with ebooks is by having hundreds of other people do the selling for you.

All you do is pay a percentage to those who make sales.

This is called an affiliate program.

The best way to start an affiliate program is to join

You can set up an entire network of people who can and will make sales for you.

Imagine having 150 people selling your ebook and each one makes 2-3 sales per day.

As you can see this is a great way to make money with ebooks and should be at the top of your list.

It's really not all that hard to make money with ebooks you just got to follow through with your goals and make a concentrated effort to succeed.

Gary Will Show You Real Ways To Make Money On The Internet That Work, As Well As The Latest Money Making Ideas, And Hot New Information Products And Services.

Join now for free at:

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Strategic Product Creation-Ensure the Success of Your Ebook

Doug Barger

Ensure the success of your eBook

The popularity of eBooks has grown at a fast pace and in proportion to that of the Internet. Printed books are no doubt important, but eBooks are another way of spreading information via the electronic medium. It is a profitable and convenient method as one does not have to go out searching for a particular book in different bookshops. Almost all kinds of books are easily available at the disposal of the Internet user in the form of an eBook.

There are several types of eBooks that are available. There are also special eBooks that are made for marketing. They have certain links to web pages that advertise resources and products that are related to a topic, which is being discussed in the book. There are a few points that should be kept in mind while designing an eBook.

· An eBook should be informative and interesting. It should be able to satisfy readers about the information that they were actually seeking. In case the information provided in your eBook seems relevant to the reader, he may also consider clicking on other links that have been mentioned in the eBook. This will also promote your eBook and the product mentioned with ‘mouth-to-mouth’ publicity.

· A good eBook should also have an option for readers to upload their eBooks along with your eBook. This will also open new avenues for you to promote your eBooks on their websites. It is advisable to get your eBook proofread. That is to say, spelling and grammatical errors in an eBook should be checked. Else, this will hinder the success of your eBook.

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just send an email to

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How to Write 30 eBooks in 1-Year

Lance Winslow

Is it possible to write 30 eBooks in one year? Well I think it is and I bet someone will do it in 2007, in fact I might like to have a shot at it myself. Why do I think this is possible? Well, once I had written some 3,100 pages of manuals for my company in about 6-7 months once and yes the pages did have graphs pictures and charts, with lots of bullets and number pages. But if the average eBook is under 100 pages then that would have been 31 eBooks or there abouts.

Additionally, I believe this is possible because in the next few days I will have completed my 10,000 th article goal and at an average of 350 words per article that is indeed some 3.5 million words. Luckily for me I have placed all these articles online for safe-keeping and they have been carefully placed into categories and sub-categories meaning they can easily be converted into pages and chapters of eBooks.

If an eBook is lets say 20,000 words then that would be some 175 books. Meaning with the needed filler, introductions to chapters and some graphics, pictures, charts and typesetting it could be about 200 eBooks. And such a project might indeed take a whole year.

Now then lets talk about you? How many online articles have you written? Have you 1,000 articles? If so you could convert your 400 word articles or 400,000 words total into 20 eBooks of 20,000 words each. Then to finish up the year you would only need 10 more eBooks, see, you might be able to write 30 eBooks in one year also. So, please consider all this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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Ebooks - Electronic Banks Of Online Knowledge Spectrum

Girija Koney

An ebook is defined as an electronic form of a book. Considering the accessibility and coverage of various topics, we could define ebooks as “electronic banks of online knowledge spectrum”

An ebook is just like a word document and is deliverable to anyone anywhere in the world who has an access to it through a computer and an Internet connection. Ebooks cover a lot of subjects that are useful and entertaining to readers. Ebooks dealing with all kinds of subject matter from A – Z are available online. An ebook can be a manual, recipe book or a specialized report focusing on specific problems, short story or a 500-page novel.

There are many advantages of using ebooks either for writing or reading:
- e books are easy to maneuver
- You could get instant access to the content you want to read
- You could easily go back and forth to view pages
- You could search for words and access them instantly

And more than anything ecologists say that since no paper is used for printing and publishing, a number of trees are spared! Though these are digital books, depending on your needs they could also be published in paper.

There are basically two types of ebooks – those you download to a specific tool and those you read on a laptop or a desktop computer. Ebooks are both free and fee-based. While a lot of material is available free specialized topics are available for a fee.

Many wonder if paper books will vanish due to the increasing popularity of ebooks. Experts say more and more future periodicals and books are likely to be printed on digital paper. The great advantage here is that the digital or electronic papers are easily revived to present a fresh copy every time we need to access them.

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Why Sell Ebooks on Ebay

Rob Wee

Ebooks or sometimes referred to as e-books are basically electronic books that can be read on the computer. They come in various formats. The most popular ones you see are Pdfs or exes. Pdfs are the most flexible form of ebooks as they can be easily read on Macs and PCs. The latter can only be used on PCs. There are also other elusive formats floating around on the internet like CHM, which is a HTML compiled ebook.

Ebooks cover a wide gamut of subjects, from astronomy to zoology. The most popular ones are usually self help guides, computer software guides and ebay guides. Resellable ebooks make a great product on ebay as they can generate endless amount of revenue with no physical inventory to carry or ship. Ebooks are shipped by email or via a download link. No more running to the post office or wondering what time your mail man/ woman will arrive to pick up your package. You can even have them deliver themselves while you sleep. Once a license is obtained, you can resell these ebooks over and over again and hence generating endless amount of cash for yourself.

When you sell ebooks, you have a worldwide audience and you can sell endless items on almost any subject 24/7 - 365 days a year. Unlike a regular job where you have to fight traffic everyday just to make it to work, ebooks generate cash for you while you sleep or vacationing somewhere in Europe or Disneyland.

My 3 Ebay stores generate thousands of dollars each and every month. I sell NOTHING but ebooks in my stores. On a good day I make up to $300 dollars a day with no shipping involved as the ebooks are delivered themselves. My listings as well as feedbacks are also fully automated. I will personally teach you how to do this when you join me.

Ebooks are great sellers as people are constantly looking for information especially on the internet. This has been my experience as I see buyers after buyers purchase my ebooks from my 3 ebay stores everyday.

Join me as I will show you the ropes to generating endless amount of cash on Ebay. I will be your own personal Ebay Coach. Remember, "Your Success is My Success!"

Rob Wee is well knowned Ebay Powerseller with over 2000 plus positive feedbacks. He has helped countless Ebayers in becoming a Powerseller in just 90 days. His website provides valuable resources in helping individuals achieve their dreams. Check it out today

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Why Giving Away FREE Ebooks Can Create A Viral Marketing Explosion

Wayne Hagerty

I use them and I am sure you have read them as well. I am talking about ebooks and there is one to cover just about any subject you can think of.

How can ebooks help market your business and website?

Using Ebooks as a FREE give away, bonus offer, or even to give other webmasters the writes to give them away can cause a viral marketing affect that can be a powerful part of your SEO Internet Marketing campaign.

There are many places online to list your ebooks for free like ebook distribution websites as well as giving them away as a free bonus gift for a email subscription on your own website.

Now the first thing you may want to do in the ebook development process is to include your website address, live link to your website and even list a small ad on every ebook page. Leave contact information like an email address, business phone number or whatever other information you want to supply in order to receive leads from your ebooks.

I allow others, who receive my ebooks to sell them for a profit, include them in a bundle of other ebooks or give them away as a bonus on their websites. Let other webmasters do your Internet Marketing for you by providing your ebooks to their visitors.

One simple 7 to ten-page ebook can generate a viral marketing affect that has a long lasting return in traffic to your website. As the ebook spreads across the internet it creates valued buzz marketing that can get your brand tremendous visibility.

Going back to Ebook distribution sites, you can submit your ebook to hundreds of FREE ebook sites once again creating Viral Marketing. Imagine the impact to your traffic by using these distribution sites to promote and pass on your ebooks in their directories.

Build your brand through ebooks and build a professional label for your business. Go one step further and sell your ebooks yourself for another income stream and at the same time producing Internet Marketing for your website that could spread like wild fire.

Note: Be sure to include reselling rights clearly in your ebooks so the recipient can start the Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing process with out any miss understandings and delays.

Most ebooks can be created very easily either in PDF or some other Ebook writing software, some are FREE.

Start writing your instruction books, tutorials, how to, stories, or what ever and open up a new Internet Marketing avenue.

This article was written by Wayne Hagerty certified Search Engine Internet Marketing professional with years of SEO experience. Discover how to increase traffic to your website. FREE Internet marketing news, and more. Succeed online, visit us today at:

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5 Easy Steps to Create More Money In Ebook Creation

Mark Fortimer

Ebook creation can create more money for you. Quick ebook creation may be a money making option for you when you peruse it with due diligence. Several steps will help you to create more money in ebook creation. Ebooks can bring in more money as like general books. You can write and sell them to the buyers for a price. Some definite steps will help you to write ebooks for making more money

The topic of the ebook is very important in creating more money. The topic should be such that it interests a lot of people. It should be something attractive and interesting. It should be a topic of some use. No body will buy a dull book with a dull topic.

The target of the ebooks should be decided before creating an ebook. Ebooks can be written for specific targets. In fact targeted ebooks create more money than a general ebook. A niche ebook creation will make more money in the niche you have selected. Target will determine the writing style, words, design, language and other such elements of the ebook. So, before creating an ebook, it is very important to find the target. Target makes quick ebook creation easy.

Make the content fine and superb. People will pay for an ebook which is good. There is so much competition today in the ebooks, that you have t offer something extra to the buyers to make a good profit and money.

You can add links to your ebooks. These links may be your website links which will get you more visitors in future. It may be an affiliate links that will make money for you even when you are not working.

Promote your ebook to make more sells and create more money in ebook creation. The more you are able to sell, the more money you can create. Quick ebook creation makes more money for you within a short time.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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5 Reasons Why Selling eBooks On eBay Can Produce Mega Bucks

James Penn

More and more eBay sellers are wising up to the potential profits that can be made through the creation and resale of info products - more commonly known as eBooks - on eBay. By listing yours and other people's eBooks on eBay, you are putting your products in front of thousands of potential buyers. There are 5 main reasons as to why selling eBooks on eBay is becoming such a booming industry and why you should get in on the act before it really explodes!

eBay provides you with the traffic

When selling info products from a website, there is always the problem of generating targeted traffic, this is not the case when selling eBooks on eBay. eBay generates the traffic for you and it's just a case of you reaching out and grabbing targeted and cash in hand buyers for your products.

Easy to create

eBooks are becoming easier and easier to create every single day. Sometimes you don't even have to create your own, you can sell other eBooks if the distribution rights permit you to sell their product on eBay. An eBook can be just 5-6 pages long and can easily be created within two hours and ready for sale on eBay with just an hour more. You can create an unlimited amount of eBooks and have an unlimited amount of auctions running.

In huge demand

Information is the most searched for thing on the internet. People are constantly trying to find out how to do something and therefore there is an abundant supply of potential buyers for your eBooks. You just need to find profitable niches and supply them with the information they are looking for, in exchange for some of their money.

Huge profit per sale

Every eBook you sell is virtually 100% profit. Aside from the minute eBay and paypal fees, every penny of your eBook sale goes into your pocket. eBooks are completely free to create and free to distribute.

Can sell unlimited copies

Once you have created one eBook, you can sell unlimited copies of that info product. This means you can create one eBook and make an absolute fortune through selling it as many times as you possibly can.

I hope you can now see the huge profit potential associated with selling yours - and other peoples - eBooks on eBay. So get started creating those eBooks and start assembling a huge arsenal of resale rights eBooks that you are permitted to sell on eBay.

James Penn is an experienced eBay seller & has assisted many eBay sellers to help them make money on eBay in 2007 and for many years to come. Discover many of his other eBay selling tips that will help explode your eBay sales & grab a selection of free eBay eBooks by signing up to his free eBay newsletter.

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Ebooks - The Easy Way to Success As A Web Writer

Angela Booth

Want to make great money online as a writer? Write and sell your own ebooks.

Ebooks are a goldmine for a writer who's reasonably proficient, creative and has a modicum of business sense. Because these are ebooks, rather than print books, and are meant to be read on a computer screen, they're shorter than print books. Think in terms of 30 to 70 pages for an ebook. This means that you'll need to streamline your writing style too - there's no room for waffle in an ebook.

There are two ways to profit from writing ebooks: write them for others, or write them and sell them online yourself.

Writing Ebooks For Others For Sell - Fast Cash In Your Pocket

Because ebooks sell well online, many entrepreneurs seek out writers to write ebooks to order.

To find buyers looking for ebook writers, go to the major Web out-sourcing sites. You'll find eager buyers for your ebooks. One tip - at these sites, don't shoot yourself in the foot by bidding too low. Some writers bid ridiculous amounts, and we're not even talking about the English As A Second Language writers here either. An ebook takes time and energy. Work out a sensible bid, and stick with it. You'll get more buyers than you can handle, and you'll get paid well too.

Writing And Selling Your Own Ebooks - Long-Term, Rich Passive Income

Of course, if someone is paying you a thousand dollars to write an ebook, the thought will sooner or later occur to you that they must be making a lot more than that to be able to afford to hire you.

Yes, they are making way more... and you can write and sell your own ebooks and keep all the profits for yourself.

Which Topics? Write About Anything That Interests You And Many Others

Many writers write ebooks about writing, because this is what they know. However, there's more money to be made in other areas - by writing about dieting, money management, time management, how to train your dog, how to buy a car - a million and one topics crying out for ebooks for you to write and sell.

The only thing you need for a hot-selling ebook is a crowd of hungry buyers - your ebook should solve a problem, and your ebook's purchasers will pay for the information which helps them.

So get started today writing your first ebook. Ebooks are fun and easy to write, and they're very profitable.

Angela Booth's "Write and Sell an eBook: Every Writer's Quick-Action Guide To Writing Ebooks" at shows you how to develop a profitable ebook-writing career. Many people are many great money writing ebooks, so why not you? For other information to boost your Web writing income, visit Angela's Fab Web Writer blog at Subscribe to Angela's weekly Fab Freelance Writing ezine too - you'll stay up to date in the latest in high-income freelance writing.

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The 5 Ws of Ebooks

Deanna Mascle

Anyone browsing the internet for information quickly encounters ebooks. Sometimes those electronic books are clearly identified by name and intent but other ebooks are so cleverly disguised a reader may not even realize they are actually a book and not a web site or some other electronic document.

What exactly is an ebook? An ebook is simply an electronic book. Many ebooks today are found in pdf (or portable document format) but you can also find various word processing documents being used as ebooks as well as programs and text files that serve as ebooks. There are also some unique programs that create ebooks in a format specific to that program.

Ebooks (just like their print relatives) are documents containing words in a convenient package. Ebooks do also have the ability to secure or protect access which means sometimes you can't print an ebook or copy it while others can be copied and shared easily.

While many professional publishing companies now create electronic as well as traditional books, many ebooks are now created by individuals or small organizations. The readers who use ebooks are just as varied as those who create them. You can find electronic books in physical and electronic libraries and book stores as well as throughout the internet.

Ebooks are used to share information, teach, entertain, and sell or promote -- just as are their print counterparts.

Ebooks have many advantages over print books. They are much more inexpensive to produce and can move from idea to finished product much more quickly as well. This also makes ebooks much easier and more cost effective to keep updated. In addition, ebooks allow greater interactivity with the reader and the internet.

However print books still retain the advantage in some areas. Some ebook formats are restricted in use to specific types of computer programs, web browsers or operating systems. Also, while computers and electronic devices are pervasive in much of the modern world there are still areas where a print book is more convenient or feasible.

For internet marketers ebooks can serve a variety of purposes. Ebooks can be created and packaged as commodities to sell, but for many internet marketers ebooks that are given away are a much more powerful tool. Creating useful ebooks that share free information that is attractive to a specific target audience can be a powerful viral marketing tool.

Creating an useful free ebook can help provide valuable advertising for any internet marketer by establishing credibility and expert status which may well lead the reader to then visit the author's web site and/or sign up for a newsletter. Some ebooks are created with a "soft sell" approach to achieve that goal while others use a "hard sell" approach and go for a sale within the book itself. If you create an ebook that includes valuable information that can be freely exchanged with others then it can, and will, be circulated around the internet and continuously work to promote its creator's web site and products.

Ebooks can be a very valuable internet marketing tool.

Deanna Mascle has been conducting business on the internet since 1999. She shares her internet marketing tips and tutorials in her newsletter Establish Your Epresence. Learn more at Establish Your Epresence at

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What if You Just Wrote 100 eBooks-What Would You Do With Them?

Lance Winslow

As one of the most prolific, if not the most prolific online article writer, having personal wrote some 10,545 articles online now, I have found myself in a very interesting situation. I have now compiled these articles into stacks and then I am going to make them into eBooks? So, the next question is; What if You Just Wrote 100 eBooks; What Would You Do With Them?

Well, I wish to give away some, so Home Schoolers, Parents, Boy Scouts, Civil Air Patrol, etc can have them. Although, I also realize that if someone gets something for free then often they do not appreciate it. So, some perhaps I will sell at a nominal fee. And, I am going to put all of them on our Online Think Tank sites in the reading room for members only.

Then I am also writing some Military eBooks and I will send them to the appropriate contacts I have and Cloak them on our online site to only certified members; known quantities. The rest I may sell as eBooks or give away.. I think I will mix and match. Some published in print, some given away, some sold as eBooks, some as free eBooks. If I sell them I want the price low and go for volume.

You must understand that I sold my companies and I am in retirement. So, I guess I could it makes sense for me to do this and offer them this way? You see, my intention is to get the information out to the world first and foremost. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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Ebay E-book Success Tips: Get Free Ebooks to Resell on eBay!

With the spiraling eBay fees and competitive pricing, the last thing eBay ebook sellers want to worry about is buying new resellable content. However, there are many sources that you may not have thought about which provide you with free resellable ebooks that you can successfully add to your inventory. This article details just a few of them.

1) Ebay:- That's right eBay is a great source to pick up free ebooks (OK they're not quite free but very cheap). Many ebook sellers run auctions that start at 1p to attract customers. If nobody bids on these auctions you can pick up a very cheap resellable ebook.

Furthermore, some sellers run 1p ebook listings in their eBay store. That means that you can actually purchase the item as a Buy It Now for 1p and in some cases receive it instantly. Again another way to pick up a very cheap resellable ebook, courtesy of eBay. Do a search on eBay for "ebooks, resell" or something similar, and then list them lowest priced first to see what you find.

2) Newsletters:- When you signed up for this newsletter I gave you two free ebooks. Some newsletters that I am currently a member of give me 5 free ebooks every week. I would recommend joining ebook related newsletters as not only do you receive valuable tips from that ebook seller, you also get free products to add to your eBay store. Have a browse through eBay for the top ebook sellers. If they have a newsletter join it. It costs nothing and you are likely to benefit greatly.

3) Ebooks:- Usually when you buy a new ebook it contains links to many bonus ebooks with resell rights. Although you may have to pay for the first ebook, this is another way to get a plentiful collection of free resellable ebooks.

4) Online Forums:- Many users at online forums will give away free resellable ebooks or give away links that allow you to access free ebooks with resell rights. Just have a browse through the posts and see what you can find.

5) Ebook Websites:- Many websites that sell ebooks have a free download page. From this you can download free ebooks which quite often come with resell rights. Type "resell ebooks" into Google or any other major search engines, and have a browse through these websites. I am sure you will find more than enough ebooks to keep you going for a while.

Thomas Parker

Although free ebooks with resell rights are likely to be outdated in relation to the ones you pay for they are still a good way to bulk up your inventory at relatively little cost. The larger your store inventory is as an ebook seller, the more chance that you will get a sale. If you bulk up your inventory with free resellable ebooks which you then sell alongside the more expensive, up to date, resellable ebooks you are sure to enjoy increased success. Good Luck with your Ebook Sales!!!

Tom Parker has been selling ebooks and software with resell rights on eBay since 2003 at In 2006 he created from which he intends to sell his own ebook. He also opened which reviews the best ClickBank products available. You can reprint any of Tom's articles but please include the bio so that he is credited.

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Make Money Selling ebooks Online

Joshua Spaulding

Can you make money selling ebooks online? You might be thinking about all the ebooks that are being sold on eBay for less than a dollar, and wonder if you can compete with those people who have been selling for a long time.

The answer is yes, but you might need to have a different plan of action. How many ebooks have you bought that you have rights to? Maybe some were bought to teach you different areas of your business but if you have rights, then you can also sell them online.

You might have many $7 script books and products and decide to focus your site on all of these. You will not be building your list this way, but you will be getting 100% commission for selling them.

You should then put together some killer packages which have relevant products for a great price. Look at what you have and how you can add many bonuses to these products.

If you can write your own ebooks then you will be able to decide which rights you are giving on them and then price them accordingly.

You should then decide how you are going to sell these ebooks that you own or have written. If you have some books which are PLR then you should be looking at rewriting them. You might have a sales page with them which you can use to sell your new ebooks.

If you have no idea where to start then you should consider buying some cheap PLR’s and then to start to use them. You will never make any money from selling ebooks if you only leave them on your hard disk. If you do nothing with them, then you will make no money it is as simple as that.

It will take time to get your products together, but don’t wait until you have them all sorted, aim to add a new product each week or month. If you have been buying lots of ebooks with rights then you might feel overwhelmed at the task ahead of you. Sort out your ebooks into categories and then see how you can use them together to produce a killer ebook on the subject. Start by using one book at a time, and then set a short time each week to add another book.

Take it slowly and see what you can learn and then see how you can start to make money selling ebooks.

To learn more about how I Make Money Online with Ebooks and much more visit my Make Money Blog, where I share all of my money making ideas!!

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Targeted Ebook Creation - How to Earn with Ebooks

Sean R Mize

Ebooks are becoming popular nowadays. If you want information about something, then you can search the Internet and see valuable information in an ebook. But ebooks are not just source of knowledge. Did you know that you could earn a lot with ebooks? They can be your source of living.

Here are some ways on how you can earn with ebooks.

1. You can actually give other ezine publishers permission to publish a small portion of your ebook provided that they include your advertisement. In that way, you would be able to promote your site and your ebook.

2. You can also sell the updates of your ebook. You can have it in installment and monthly, you can publish a chapter. This will keep customers coming back to you for updates.

3. You can also give a free ebook with the option of having then pay for the complete version of the ebook.

4. You would also be earning a lot if you divide the ebook into reports and have people buy just the portion they want to buy in the ebook.

5. If you also join force with other people that publish ebooks. You can give great package to different readers then once you have a great combination of ebooks at hand.

6. You can also include links to the benefits of the ebook in your advertisement. So once you convince the readers about the benefits, they would just click the link and would be directed to the order page. This is one way or urging them to buy your ebook.

7. You could also offer a very affordable or cheap price for having the customers read half of the ebook. Then if they want to read the full version, they could pay for the full amount.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

It's Easier Than You Might Think to Write and Sell an Ebook

Sean Ray

Ebooks and affiliates marketing ebooks are all over the internet on almost all possible and impossible methods and topics. Ebooks have become the trend and if the past is any indicator of the future then surely look forward to a more cunning and competitive ebook market.

So you might be pondering over all the hip and hoopla that happens around ebooks and its high time that each one should know the basics of ebook and the why’s how’s pro’s and con’s of this seemingly complicated yet simple and effective way to make an online income. Ebooks are generally nothing other than information on a particular or group of theme that is presented in electronic form.

Technically they are self contained programs that can be easily accessed, read and distributed over the internet. People all over the world has come in terms at least with what is an ebook and what its all about, thanks to the aggressive viral marketing carried out by online ebook entrepreneurs who had the guts to experiment with this relatively new opportunity.

Why should I write an ebook?

You should write one if you

1) Are comparatively good with a theme and sound in its concept that you think based on some research and trend analysis would at least sell a hundred copies as ebook.

2) You don’t know how to write but you know how to market a product online

3) You don’t know how to write and how to market but you have that “what it takes to strive for a goal”.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘

Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Turning Articles Into eBooks; Can It Be Done?

Lance Winslow

So you are an article author and you are considering writing some eBooks are you? Sure interesting idea indeed. Well you have no doubt had a good education in writing as one has to work very hard to write short concise meaningful articles. I ought to know this is article number 10,554 for me. And yes, I too am considering going from article writing to eBooks.

Just yesterday my Editor in Chief asked me how I planned to take the articles that I had posted on an online article submission site and make them into eBooks? You see, the articles which are much of the bulk of the content; much is posted on te top online article website on the Internet and these articles are scattered is many categories.

For instance I am writing an eBook on UAVs of the Future and these articles previously written some 200 of them might be in Computers and technology, Science, Aviation, Military, Future Concepts or even personal tech. But I have all the articles anyway and also at my online think tank and the word files on my computer. The hardest part so far was finding them all and putting them together in "pile" folders to be used in the eBooks.

So, if you plan on going from article writing to eBooks, you need to capture those articles and get them all in one place so you can start on your eBook today. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Download Ebooks With Resale Rights And Profit Quickly

Roy Miller

If you're one to download ebooks with resale rights, I'd wager you aren't too happy with your profits so far. If you are, great. Most people aren't.

That's probably because you're not being smart about trying to profit from what you downloaded. Here's how you take that pile of digital dust collectors and turn them into profits.

Start thinking in terms of bundling products.

Don't just download a single ebook and expect to sell it for much at all.

Instead, think of ways you can download ebooks with resale rights and package them with other products to make suites of products. You can call the bundle a "system," or a "library," or a "collection."

The bigger the bundle, the easier it is to come up with a name that grabs attention. A nice side benefit is that you can charge more!

In other words, what you want to start doing is looking at ebooks with resale rights as components of your marketing strategy, rather than the core of what you're selling. They're bonuses, parts of a system, or upsells.

Of course, if you own an ebook store, knock yourself out selling individual ebooks. But even there, bundling is likely to increase your profit. A set of books is likely to sell better than a single book, and probably give you a higher profit margin.

It is possible to download ebooks with resale rights and profit quickly. Making money online isn't rocket science. When you just starting, though, it can be a steep uphill climb. The bundling strategy can flatten the hill a bit.

Copyright by Roy Miller

Roy Miller created and has just released a new report on how to download ebooks with resale rights and turn them into profit in record time. Claim your copy here: Resale Rights Alchemy Report.

This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and on websites provided that this information box is kept intact. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required: Roy AT

3 Important Advantages of Using Viral Ebooks

Mosiekk Conley

Using viral ebooks can be a big help in reaching the level of success you desire. If properly implemented you can catapult your traffic and profits through the roof for any product or affiliate program you decide to promote. In the following article we are going to discuss some of the most important reasons why you should be using viral ebooks.

The first major advantage of writing and distributing viral ebooks, is the cost. The only cost associated with distributing brandible ebooks is the software used to compile your ebooks. Some of the different formats to choose from would include PDF, EXE or even DOC. For favorable results, it is suggested that you use the PDF format due to compatibility with both Windows and Mac computers. There are also multiple ways to turn your new viral ebooks into PDF format for free. So you can really minimize the cost of producing viral ebooks and viral reports.

There are many different applications for buzz marketing. Even though we are talking about the use of viral ebooks, these advantages will also be the same for viral reports, articles, and software as well. You could even use all of these types of viral marketing in combination with each other for maximum effectiveness.

The second major benefit of using viral ebooks, is the potential exposure to your product or affiliate program. The reason this strategy of marketing was named after viruses is due to how rapidly viruses spread. It is the same thing with buzz marketing which includes viral reports, viral articles, and viral software. All of these strategies can product a massive amount of exposure to your product or affiliate program. It is important to remember to organize your viral products to achieve the best possible result.

The third benefit to using viral ebooks, is name branding. One of the reasons the internet marketing gurus get such a favorable response to emails, blog posts and other promotions is because of name recognition. Think about how more likely you are to buy from a name you recognize as opposed to a product from someone you don't know. There is an inherent trust issue there and viral ebooks help to overcome that. If you write a viral ebook, and 4000 people acquire your ebook, that is 4000 people who are now familiar with your name. The next time you release a product you have at least 4000 people that already know your name.

As you can see, using viral ebooks can be a huge boost to your business. It is important to remember that action is the real key to success online. If you don't get out there and take action you won't see the success that you desire. Using viral ebooks is the probably the best tactic to use if you are just starting out because of cost, potential and name recognition you will receive when your viral ebook spreads.

Mo Conley is the author of a new report called Viralistic Profits which shows you how to create viral reports that spread like wild fire. You can grab a copy here: Viral Marketing

The Eye Opening Truth About Making Money With Ebooks

Liz Tomey

Ebooks are becoming very popular online. You can find an ebook on just about any topic now. From taking care of your pets all the way to making money online, if you can think of a subject, I bet there's an ebook about it. Some of these ebooks you can get at no cost, but if you want really good information, you're going to have to spend some money. Some ebooks sell for just a few dollars and some of these ebooks sell for hundreds of dollars.

So what are ebooks?

Ebooks are simply downloadable books. You can download them and either read them on your computer or print them out and read them whenever you want. I myself usually print them out and read them because it's so much easier than sitting at my computer. You'll definitely want to print them out if it's a long ebook.

I've got a little secret to tell you about ebooks. Many people online are making a killing selling and giving away ebooks online. Yes, it's true. People are making money by selling information. They are known as information publishers. I'm one of these so I know the real income potential in selling these ebooks.

When I first got started though all I did was lose money. Many people that try to sell ebooks lose money too. There are several reasons but mainly because they just don't know how to do it the right way. They think if they write an ebook, get it setup online to sell then the cash will just start pouring in. This simply just is not true. Many people walk away after putting in tons of effort setting everything up thinking that they can't make any money. If they realized that they had to have people to sell it to, they would have saved themselves a lot of time.

You have to have a marketing plan and be willing to try new strategies to help you sell your ebook. There's even ebooks written about how to product and promote ebooks that can help you all the way from start to finish. Just go to your favorite search engine and I'm sure you can find at least ten of these ebooks.

Before you start purchasing them though, make sure that you read some reviews about them. Some of them are pure junk and will leave you with even more questions than you had before you even read the ebook. With a little research though you find exactly what resources you need to get up and running with creating and selling ebooks.

Your first step will be finding a demand for your ebook. You'll have to find what people want before you can give it to them. Once you've done that you can begin writing your ebook, and then selling your ebook by implementing many different marketing strategies. It all sounds harder than it really is, but as long as you have a plan and focus on your end goal, selling ebooks can be a very profitable business.

Liz Tomey is a successful Internet marketer who has produced several amazing products about creating an income online. If you'd like to get started with an internet marketing strategy, you can get three quick and easy ones by visiting

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

5 Easy Steps to Create More Money In Ebook Creation

Mark Fortimer

Ebook creation can create more money for you. Quick ebook creation may be a money making option for you when you peruse it with due diligence. Several steps will help you to create more money in ebook creation. Ebooks can bring in more money as like general books. You can write and sell them to the buyers for a price. Some definite steps will help you to write ebooks for making more money

The topic of the ebook is very important in creating more money. The topic should be such that it interests a lot of people. It should be something attractive and interesting. It should be a topic of some use. No body will buy a dull book with a dull topic.

The target of the ebooks should be decided before creating an ebook. Ebooks can be written for specific targets. In fact targeted ebooks create more money than a general ebook. A niche ebook creation will make more money in the niche you have selected. Target will determine the writing style, words, design, language and other such elements of the ebook. So, before creating an ebook, it is very important to find the target. Target makes quick ebook creation easy.

Make the content fine and superb. People will pay for an ebook which is good. There is so much competition today in the ebooks, that you have t offer something extra to the buyers to make a good profit and money.

You can add links to your ebooks. These links may be your website links which will get you more visitors in future. It may be an affiliate links that will make money for you even when you are not working.

Promote your ebook to make more sells and create more money in ebook creation. The more you are able to sell, the more money you can create. Quick ebook creation makes more money for you within a short time.

Want to learn more about it? Download the free ebook, Steps to Article Marketing Success.

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